Mapping the Japanese Diet and Eating Habits for Food Technology Start Up

Mapping the Japanese Diet and Eating Habits for Food Technology Start Up

A food lab wanted to better understand the key factors that shape the Japanese diet and go deeper on their existing knowledge of the market. This related to early stage product development as well as seeking out potential partners for any new venture.

Our Work

  • Designed and built a two-day cultural immersion that explained the foundational elements of Japanese food, cooking and dining, as well as a look and the where, who and why of contemporary food trends
  • Visiting and eating at a number of food and drink locations across the city, from fish markets to high end restaurants

The Outcome

The client was able to build a working model of needs they might be able to cater to with future projects as well as take back important learnings in taste, sensation, texture and much more to their lab.

– Client Voice

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