Unmasking Japan Blog

Navigating Qualitative Research Methodologies: A Comparison of In Depth Interviews and Focus Group Discussions

Navigating Qualitative Research Methodologies: A Comparison of In Depth Interviews and Focus Group Discussions

The market research journey often begins with In Depth Interviews (IDIs) before advancing to focus groups, employing a strategy that leverages the unique strengths of each method to achieve a holistic understanding of the subject at hand. This approach is rooted in the exploratory power of IDIs, where one-on-one conversations unveil a diversity of opinions and insights, providing a rich, detailed foundation for subsequent phases of research.

The Influence of Celebrity in Japanese Marketing: The Legacy of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi

The Influence of Celebrity in Japanese Marketing: The Legacy of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi

Japan’s cultural and media landscape is notoriously complex, but few threads are as colourful and enduring as the influence of celebrities on consumer behaviour and marketing strategies. Among the many to choose from, Tetsuko Kuroyanagi stands out not only for her remarkable career but also for her significant impact on marketing.

Japanese Gaming Sensitivities: Navigating Between PC/Console, Mobile, and Nintendo

Japanese Gaming Sensitivities: Navigating Between PC/Console, Mobile, and Nintendo

In the vibrant and ever-evolving world of gaming, Japan presents a unique landscape where tradition and technology converge, crafting experiences that resonate deeply with a diverse audience of gamers. In this article, we explore the heart of this phenomenon, filled with nuanced preferences and distinct gaming cultures that define the Japanese market.

Using UX Research to Unleash Japan’s Entrepreneurial Potential

Using UX Research to Unleash Japan’s Entrepreneurial Potential

For brands seeking new frontiers and aiming for success on the entrepreneurial journey, there is no more interesting and fulfilling landscape than Japan. With years of experience partnering with and propelling products, services, and ideas into the Japanese market, we have learned to appreciate the tremendous opportunity for entrepreneurial efforts in this country.

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