B2B StakeHolder Engagement to Form an Alignment on Strategic Planning

B2B StakeHolder Engagement to Form an Alignment on Strategic Planning

A nationwide food banking operation wished to engage its key stakeholder groups to contribute to strategic planning initiatives in Japan.

Our Work

  • Organized and moderated a day-long “Fuel the Future” workshop
  • Participants: Nearly 100 stakeholders representing corporations who donate food to the food bank, as well as the non-profit organizations who use and distribute the food.
  • Designed approach to explore and surface concerns and perceived constraints, as well as future opportunities (including opportunities with corporations, institutions and government).

The Outcome

Emerged from this day-long workshop with a clear understanding of various stakeholder challenges, as well as the key tenets of a strategic plan to address these challenges going forward.

“Thanks very much for the fast-tracked insights, which will greatly inform our strategic planning efforts, and additionally, helped our key stakeholders to see our efforts to incorporate their concerns.”

– Client Voice

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