Unmasking Japan | The Blog of CarterJMRN


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I’ve always chuckled at the way Japan seems to think it is the only place in the world that actually has “4 seasons,”...
Not dissimilar to the dramatic redrawing of retail distribution in the 90s, during which time we saw the advent of outlet malls and...
In a 1988 work entitled Postmodernism and Japan,[i] the authors make the interesting hypothesis that what is “postmodern” in the West has existed in Japan...
One of the hottest product categories this year is that of e-readers, including the explosion of resulting business in the form of the...
Several recently-reported successes from both U.S. and Japanese companies illustrate how rapidly Japanese consumers are adapting to the digital world.
The anniversary of my arrival in Japan 25 years ago approaches, auspiciously this year on June 25th, and I can’t help but reflect...