Japanese consumers

The Art and Science of Better Qualitative Research Engagement with Japanese Participants
Qualitative research methods such as ethnography, in-depth interviews and focus groups are well suited to elicit unexpected insights into a culture other than...
Wherever you live in the world right now it’s well nigh-impossible to avoid the constant flood of information and speculation about the viral...
As a consummate Japan watcher for nearly 35 years, I’ve often commented on the changing psyche of the Japanese consumer.
The Japanese are continuously obsessed with food–turn on the TV at any time of the day and it’s a safe bet the show...
While hugely popular across the Western world, Facebook failed to emulate the same level of success in Japan.
In Japan, a drink or three temporarily flattens hierarchies and loosens tongues and inhibitions in all sorts of social environments, from companies to...
While September is viewed as the start of the school year in the US. Japan’s school year starts in April, and my eldest...
Much has been written and spoken lately about the “Cool Japan” initiative. With the slogan having been in common use since the early...
Anyone paying attention to the stock market over the past six months will have borne witness to the incredible run up of the...
Having spent the past 28 years observing the Japanese market and its trials and tribulations, I am always amused by the “is Japan...
There’s no polite way of saying it. It seems to me lately that Japan is turning into a nation of cheapskates. But, truth...
At Decks Mall in Tokyo’s Odaiba there is a whole floor devoted to an attraction called Daiba Itchome Shoutengai. That precinct of the...

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