market research

Christmas in Japan is an interesting blend of American tradition with a Japanese marketing spin on them. Originally introduced to Japan by Christian missionaries, Christmas never caught on as...
With everything available at the click of the mouse, shopping centers have been dying a slow death. Unable to offer consumers the same...
If a single word could sum up Japan’s gender role rigidity, it’d be kanai. It means “one who remains inside the home,” and is...
You may have heard that the Japanese market, despite being the third biggest economy in the world, is past its prime. But with a...
Japanese seniors represent over 50% of the consumer economy — a ratio destined to increase alongside the aging population. Today’s seniors represent a...
Last week, Dominic Carter, CEO of CarterJMRN, had the honour to speak at the Global Chamber Globinar on ‘Japan Market Entry Opportunities and Success,’ which...
You’ve probably heard about Japan’s drive to ensure that you, me and everyone else in the country live long, prosper and become happy...
The Japanese are known for their love to travel, and there is one up-and-coming market segment to watch: young Japanese women outtravel their...
Psychologists have been telling us for years now that personal investment made in experiences, rather than material goods, is the happiest cash you...
You can knock on the doors of millions of residences in Japan 24/7—especially out in the countryside—and get no answer.
Japan’s Growing Lone-Wolf Tribe of Forever Singles
Whether you call it solo katsu, the super-solo life or ohitorisama (“doing things on your own”), living single is big in Japan.
Heating Up—The Battle between Smoking and Vaping in Japan
Japan’s cities and office buildings have been gradually squeezing smokers into smaller confines, forbidding puffing away while walking on the street and creating...

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