Japanese market

In the world of market research, it’s well known that Japanese people tend to shy away from the extreme points when answering rating...
Fat, fat, fat. Over three times more adults on this planet have become obese since 1975, meaning they’ve got a body-mass index (BMI) of 30 or over. The figure jumped—or maybe rolled—from about 4 percent then to 13 percent by 2016.
According to the 2019 Global Wellness Report, the wellness industry is one of the fastest growing global industries projected to harness 500 trillion...
Kokusaika (internationalism) was a cherished expression of Japan’s elite back in the nineties. Those worthies predicted that the Japanese would break out of their...
The Japanese are continuously obsessed with food–turn on the TV at any time of the day and it’s a safe bet the show...
Many a time, it has been said that Japan likes to do things its own way. And nowhere is this truer than in...
The beginning of 2014 marks the end of my fifteenth year in Japan. That’s more than enough time in one place for any...
The Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, or GEM has pointed out that in “2000–2009, Japan recorded one of the lowest rates of entrepreneurial activity amongst...

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