Positioning a Designer Fashion Online Shopping Platform

Positioning a Designer Fashion Online Shopping Platform

A well known, international, online shopping site wanted to understand their customers and competitive users’ in terms of their expectations and needs when shopping an overseas online platform – to inform an attractive localisation of the content.

Our Work

  • Focus Groups among females who are fashion enthusiasts and purchasers of luxury fashion brands, spread across different levels of spending ranges
  • Consumers created ‘mood boards’ about their lifestyle and their fashion prior to the group
  • Evaluation of the current advertising and usability of the website

The Outcome

  • Cultural insights on the Japanese luxury consumer and associations with fashion, brands and expression of herself, plus how this is different to international markets
  • Detailed insights on customer journeys and usage of online shopping sites for luxury fashion items and specific ideas for attracting new users
  • DOs and DON’Ts for the current site to increase customer satisfaction and increase repeat sales and customer loyalty

“Thank you for the great work. Very interesting to see commonality and differences between Japanese women’s needs and other markets. We are also very clear about the challenge for optimizing our current website and advertising“

– Client Voice

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