Unmasking Japan | The Official Blog of CarterJMRN

Japan Mega Trends

Keep your finger on the pulse of major shifts with our coverage on Japan’s Mega Trends. From technological advancements to demographic changes, learn about the large-scale forces shaping the future of Japan’s economy and society. Understand these trends to position your business for success in a rapidly evolving landscape.

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What’s life like for the average worker in Japan? First, endure a stressful, claustrophobic commute on one or more vacuum-packed trains.
In our 2019 CarterJMRN Japan Sentiment Study, we asked 1000 men and women across all 47 prefectures whether they felt that women are...
When an 18-year old Osaka student filed a $19,000 lawsuit against the Osaka Prefectural Government because her school insisted that she dye her...
Man walking past large murial
Before 1985, you could hardly find a Japanese woman in business doing anything more than “office lady” activities: tea serving, copy making, paper...
Japan’s Women Are Still Trapped in Gender Gap—Free Them and Profit
It really shouldn’t be this way, but the lives and careers of Japan’s highly educated and capable women are still dictated by how...
Researchers from South Korea and Greenpeace East Asia recently found microplastics in 90 percent of the table salt brands they sampled worldwide.