How Empathy and Practicality Can Drive the Adoption of AgeTech Few problems are as globally relevant as the rapidly ageing population. According to the UN, the percentage of the world’s…
Unmasking Japan | The Official Blog of CarterJMRN
Japan Mega Trends
Keep your finger on the pulse of major shifts with our coverage on Japan’s Mega Trends. From technological advancements to demographic changes, learn about the large-scale forces shaping the future of Japan’s economy and society. Understand these trends to position your business for success in a rapidly evolving landscape.

Consumer Insight Spotlight
We often hear Japan described as a ‘traditional’ society. That description certainly conjures up images of geisha walking down the streets and other well-worn tropes. That isn’t what you
Japan is meeting the era of Reiwa with unprecedented growth in the elder age brackets and declining numbers among the young.
Every country has them, and Japan is no different. I’m talking about “the fearful fringe.” These are the people who fundamentally lack trust in their security, either personally or
CarterJMRN has been tracking daily social media usage among the general public aged 16-69 via our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey since 2017.
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