Aging society

Debbie Howard, Chairman of The Carter Group/Japan Market Resource Network, was recently interviewed by leading agetech innovator Keren Etkin (author of the recently...
Header image for the article "Kobe City’s Age-Tech Eldercare Technology Implementation and Promotion Program Creates Win-Win for Both Society and International Age-Tech Companies" on
With right at 30% of its population aged over 65, Japan represents the largest global market for ageing-related technologies.
In Japanese culture, it is said that each person has an ikigai (生き甲斐, pronounced ee-kee-guy), or “path to life fulfilment” or “purpose for...
Back in 2018 I published an article on LinkedIn titled, ‘Young and Careful: Japan’s Strangely Conservative Youth’. At the time of writing that...
One thing is certain for all of us, as a rather morbid saying goes. But alas, it is true and therefore it doesn’t...
You can knock on the doors of millions of residences in Japan 24/7—especially out in the countryside—and get no answer.
Japan may be a long way from the 24-hour, drive-through pharmacies that one sees in the U.S., but a recent flurry of activity...