Cultural Analysis

Growing up, I remember reading in Time Magazine about how Vegas was going to become family-friendly in the mid-90s by building shopping areas, attractions...
While the green branding and sustainable product market in Japan may trail that of other developed countries, you can’t say that it hasn’t...
In Japan, a drink or three temporarily flattens hierarchies and loosens tongues and inhibitions in all sorts of social environments, from companies to...
You have heard it before: Their diet endows Japanese people with centennially long lives, slender figures, and generally good health.
The story involves what’s been dubbed the #KuToo movement—a play on kutsu, the Japanese word for shoes, and kutsuu, the word for pain,...
In April 2019, the new labor laws went into effect for large companies. Small companies will follow suit in April 2020. The lead-up...
What’s life like for the average worker in Japan? First, endure a stressful, claustrophobic commute on one or more vacuum-packed trains.
In our 2019 CarterJMRN Japan Sentiment Study, we asked 1000 men and women across all 47 prefectures whether they felt that women are...
When an 18-year old Osaka student filed a $19,000 lawsuit against the Osaka Prefectural Government because her school insisted that she dye her...
Man walking past large murial
Before 1985, you could hardly find a Japanese woman in business doing anything more than “office lady” activities: tea serving, copy making, paper...
All Sunshine, and Also Some Rainbows? Progress in the LGBT Community of Japan
The LGBT community of Japan may go somewhat unnoticed by the general public, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been making waves in...
Japan’s Growing Lone-Wolf Tribe of Forever Singles
Whether you call it solo katsu, the super-solo life or ohitorisama (“doing things on your own”), living single is big in Japan.