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Sentiment Analysis

Over the past 10 to 15 years, Japanese marketers have wholeheartedly embraced the symbology of sustainability. Notions of ‘green’ and ‘eco’ and ‘human’...
At CarterJMRN we’ve heard many times over the years that Japanese people do not seem to care about climate change or, for that matter, environmental issues in general. This makes it hard for...
Since 2017, CarterJMRN has published a yearly index of consumer sentiments in Japan. We have gauged the Japanese response on a range of topics including...
Wherever you live in the world right now it’s well nigh-impossible to avoid the constant flood of information and speculation about the viral...
I am filled with hope as I watch literally everyone I know scrambling to find ways to contribute to the rebuilding of the...
On March 13th, 2011, I sorrowfully opened a folder on my laptop called “earthquake.” One week later, it is as full of documents,...