Consumer Goods

Every country has them, and Japan is no different. I’m talking about “the fearful fringe.” These are the people who fundamentally lack trust...
You’ve heard it said that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ More than once, probably. It’s become a part of corporate vernacular, a buzz...
CarterJMRN has been tracking daily social media usage among the general public aged 16-69 via our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey since 2017.
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a set of 17 goals and 169 targets that countries are encouraged to use as...
Some 30 years ago, Japan was the epicentre of growth in global luxury. While it has remained a significant market for international luxury...
CarterJMRN has been tracking daily social media use among the general public aged 16-69 via our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey since 2017.
On many levels, Japan appears to ignore key elements of what westerners consider to comprise social modernity. One classic example is the profound...
Back in the last century when I was studying marketing at the University of New South Wales in Australia I was fortunate enough...
Back in 2018 I published an article on LinkedIn titled, ‘Young and Careful: Japan’s Strangely Conservative Youth’. At the time of writing that...
Just this past weekend (October 16-18), the popular animation “Demon Slayer(鬼滅の刃)” released its first movie in cinemas across the nation, shattering all-time opening records by bringing in...
As we moved into 2020, there was much-justified optimism in Japan. In 2019 we had celebrated the enthronement of a new emperor and...
With Covid-19 dealing a fatal blow to the economy, the information superhighway has provided a gateway for individuals and businesses in creatively responding to the crisis.