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Media & Communication

Header image for the blog post The Influence of Celebrity in Japanese on www.carterjmrn.com Marketing: The Legacy of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Japan’s cultural and media landscape is notoriously complex, but few threads are as colourful and enduring as the influence of celebrities on consumer...
5 Ways Asynchronous Research Fits into UX Plans
Asynchronous research facilitates information sharing among participants outside the constraints of time and place.
CarterJMRN has been tracking daily social media usage among the general public aged 16-69 via our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey since 2017.
One definition of progress is that Japan should move its society from one based on traditional values - highly protective of change and...
Some 30 years ago, Japan was the epicentre of growth in global luxury. While it has remained a significant market for international luxury...
Social media use and digital uptake among older generations has proven to be an interesting metric to watch over the years, and is...
Debbie Howard, Chairman of The Carter Group/Japan Market Resource Network, was recently interviewed by leading agetech innovator Keren Etkin (author of the recently...
Our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey carried out in March 2021 indicates that Japanese of all generations are looking to increase the quality and...
CarterJMRN has been tracking daily social media use among the general public aged 16-69 via our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey since 2017.
On many levels, Japan appears to ignore key elements of what westerners consider to comprise social modernity. One classic example is the profound...
Back in the last century when I was studying marketing at the University of New South Wales in Australia I was fortunate enough...
Back in 2018 I published an article on LinkedIn titled, ‘Young and Careful: Japan’s Strangely Conservative Youth’. At the time of writing that...