
Japanese arcade
Japan is synonymous with gaming culture. Its video gaming giants, including SEGA, Sony and Nintendo are household names across the world.
AI Generated image of a focus group in Shibuya, Japan
The market research journey often begins with In Depth Interviews (IDIs) before advancing to focus groups, employing a strategy that leverages the unique...
Header image for the blog post The Influence of Celebrity in Japanese on www.carterjmrn.com Marketing: The Legacy of Tetsuko Kuroyanagi
Japan’s cultural and media landscape is notoriously complex, but few threads are as colourful and enduring as the influence of celebrities on consumer...
Closeup of a Nintendo Switch controller in front of a monitor for use as the header of a blog about gaming platform sensitivities on carterjmrn.com
In the vibrant and ever-evolving world of gaming, Japan presents a unique landscape where tradition and technology converge, crafting experiences that resonate deeply...
Header image for the blog Japanese Gamer identity
Japan's gaming landscape contains a fascinating blend of tradition and innovation, deeply intertwined with the evolving identities of its gamers. This world is...
Using UX Research to Unleash Japan's Entrepreneurial Potential
Brands wanting to grow and succeed in business should think about Japan, as it provides a special chance for expansion. We have learned...
Robots for nursing care were placed in the facility (Sendai City)
When addressing the large-scale, multi-faceted challenges involving rapid aging, society, and healthcare systems, one of the most important success factors in innovating new...
Some 30 years ago, Japan was the epicentre of growth in global luxury. While it has remained a significant market for international luxury...
Social media use and digital uptake among older generations has proven to be an interesting metric to watch over the years, and is...
With more than 34 million people over the age of 65, Japan is the oldest country in the world, and it already feels...
Debbie Howard, Chairman of The Carter Group/Japan Market Resource Network, was recently interviewed by leading agetech innovator Keren Etkin (author of the recently...
Header image for the article "Kobe City’s Age-Tech Eldercare Technology Implementation and Promotion Program Creates Win-Win for Both Society and International Age-Tech Companies" on www.carterjmrn.com
With right at 30% of its population aged over 65, Japan represents the largest global market for ageing-related technologies.