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Professional Services

Six Charts Revealing Unique Challenges of Women in the Japanese Workforce
We often hear Japan described as a ‘traditional’ society. That description certainly conjures up images of geisha walking down the streets and other...
Heads Hands and Hearts for Age Tech
Developing tech-enabled products and services that assist us as we age is a relatively new frontier. However, the vision of a world where...
You’ve heard it said that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ More than once, probably. It’s become a part of corporate vernacular, a buzz...
One definition of progress is that Japan should move its society from one based on traditional values - highly protective of change and...
CarterJMRN has been tracking working from home trends among the general public aged 16-69 via our Japan Consumer Sentiment Survey.
In the world of market research, it’s well known that Japanese people tend to shy away from the extreme points when answering rating...
Robots for nursing care were placed in the facility (Sendai City)
When addressing the large-scale, multi-faceted challenges involving rapid aging, society, and healthcare systems, one of the most important success factors in innovating new...
With more than 34 million people over the age of 65, Japan is the oldest country in the world, and it already feels...
Recently my colleague Debbie Howard and I were interviewed by Jamin Brazil for his Happy Market Research Podcast (a highly recommended podcast if you have an interest...
Both cautiously and optimistically we can say that it looks like the peak of the Covid crisis has passed in Japan. Shops are open, restaurants...
As we moved into 2020, there was much-justified optimism in Japan. In 2019 we had celebrated the enthronement of a new emperor and...
If a single word could sum up Japan’s gender role rigidity, it’d be kanai. It means “one who remains inside the home,” and is...