You’ve probably heard about Japan’s drive to ensure that you, me and everyone else in the country live long, prosper and become happy...

Dominic Carter of The Carter Group, a market research and strategic consulting firm based in Tokyo, is a specialist in understanding consumers. Throughout...

Kokusaika (internationalism) was a cherished expression of Japan’s elite back in the nineties. Those worthies predicted that the Japanese would break out of their...

As a consummate Japan watcher for nearly 35 years, I’ve often commented on the changing psyche of the Japanese consumer.

The Japanese are continuously obsessed with food–turn on the TV at any time of the day and it’s a safe bet the show...

Japan’s entertainment scene was shaken last month when Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. said it terminated its management contract with 49-year-old Hiroyuki Miyasako.

Why does the Japanese market seem so hit and miss when it comes to western brands being able to make a ‘go’ of...

You can knock on the doors of millions of residences in Japan 24/7—especially out in the countryside—and get no answer.

What’s life like for the average worker in Japan? First, endure a stressful, claustrophobic commute on one or more vacuum-packed trains.

Whether you call it solo katsu, the super-solo life or ohitorisama (“doing things on your own”), living single is big in Japan.

It was already in 2010 when JMRN pointed out that Japan’s online retail market had increased by 17% annually since 2005, At that time, Japanese...