Cultural Analysis

You’ve heard it said that ‘culture eats strategy for breakfast.’ More than once, probably. It’s become a part of corporate vernacular, a buzz...
Christmas in Japan is an interesting blend of American tradition with a Japanese marketing spin on them. Originally introduced to Japan by Christian missionaries, Christmas never caught on as...
With everything available at the click of the mouse, shopping centers have been dying a slow death. Unable to offer consumers the same...
If a single word could sum up Japan’s gender role rigidity, it’d be kanai. It means “one who remains inside the home,” and is...
Last week, Dominic Carter, CEO of CarterJMRN, had the honour to speak at the Global Chamber Globinar on ‘Japan Market Entry Opportunities and Success,’ which...
Dominic Carter of The Carter Group, a market research and strategic consulting firm based in Tokyo, is a specialist in understanding consumers. Throughout...
Kokusaika (internationalism) was a cherished expression of Japan’s elite back in the nineties. Those worthies predicted that the Japanese would break out of their...
The Japanese are continuously obsessed with food–turn on the TV at any time of the day and it’s a safe bet the show...
Japan’s entertainment scene was shaken last month when Yoshimoto Kogyo Co. said it terminated its management contract with 49-year-old Hiroyuki Miyasako.
You can knock on the doors of millions of residences in Japan 24/7—especially out in the countryside—and get no answer.
While hugely popular across the Western world, Facebook failed to emulate the same level of success in Japan.
If you are considering entering the beef market in Japan, we got some good news for you: Japan needs to import most of...