Qualitative research methods such as ethnography, in-depth interviews and focus groups are well suited to elicit unexpected insights into a culture other than one’s own.
Unmasking Japan | The Official Blog of CarterJMRN
Japan Market Entry
Entering the Japanese market can be daunting. Our articles break down the complexities of market entry strategies, offering expert advice and case studies on navigating Japan’s business environment. Learn about the regulatory frameworks, cultural nuances, and strategic partnerships essential for a successful launch.
Consumer Insight Spotlight
Circa 30 anni fa, il Giappone si distingueva come epicentro del lusso mondiale. Ancora mercato fondamentale per i brand internazionali, negli ultimi anni il Paese è stato privato dalla
Some 30 years ago, Japan was the epicentre of growth in global luxury. While it has remained a significant market for international luxury brands, China has taken over Japan’s
Recently my colleague Debbie Howard and I were interviewed by Jamin Brazil for his Happy Market Research Podcast (a highly recommended podcast if you have an interest in market research).
There was a lot of skepticism going into the Rugby World Cup in Japan. Foreign investors were concerned that there would be a lack of enthusiasm from the first