
All Sunshine, and Also Some Rainbows? Progress in the LGBT Community of Japan
The LGBT community of Japan may go somewhat unnoticed by the general public, but that doesn’t mean it hasn’t been making waves in...
Japan’s Women Are Still Trapped in Gender Gap—Free Them and Profit
It really shouldn’t be this way, but the lives and careers of Japan’s highly educated and capable women are still dictated by how...
The so-called “seniors’” market continues to inspire innovative products and services that materialize in ways which far surpass the common theme of robotic...
Whenever you read anything about demography in Japan the greying baby boomers come up time and again as being the key distinctive cohort.
A key Zen truth is that nothing is permanent. Therefore it follows that attachment to transient objects will bring suffering.
I recently sat down with Timothy Connor of Synnovate Consulting regarding his experiences and insights gained from his years in the Japanese consumer...
While September is viewed as the start of the school year in the US. Japan’s school year starts in April, and my eldest...
You can love it or you can hate it, but there’s no denying that Nike’s latest iteration of the Just Do It campaign...
The idea that changes in culture can predict consumer trends is one that has become increasingly recognised among marketing professionals in the last...
Some of them look as though they’ve just rolled out of bed before making their YouTube upload, pausing just long enough to make...
The Japanese market is rich with opportunity, but it is also full of unique challenges and risks not faced in other international markets.
Much has been written and spoken lately about the “Cool Japan” initiative. With the slogan having been in common use since the early...