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Market Segmentation

4 Major Trends Shaping Japan
Japan is meeting the era of Reiwa with unprecedented growth in the elder age brackets and declining numbers among the young.
Over the past 10 to 15 years, Japanese marketers have wholeheartedly embraced the symbology of sustainability. Notions of ‘green’ and ‘eco’ and ‘human’...
In the world of market research, it’s well known that Japanese people tend to shy away from the extreme points when answering rating...
Back in the last century when I was studying marketing at the University of New South Wales in Australia I was fortunate enough...
There was a lot of skepticism going into the Rugby World Cup in Japan. Foreign investors were concerned that there would be a...
Hero image for the Top Japanese Brands and How They Got There article on CarterJMRN.com
Several lists reveal the dominance of Japanese car giant Toyota, which ranked tenth on Fortune’s 2019 Global 500 based on reach, economic wellbeing,...
Starbucks did it nowhere better than in Japan, Disney did it too, already a long time ago, and Kentucky Fried Chicken as well:...
Fat, fat, fat. Over three times more adults on this planet have become obese since 1975, meaning they’ve got a body-mass index (BMI) of 30 or over. The figure jumped—or maybe rolled—from about 4 percent then to 13 percent by 2016.
According to the 2019 Global Wellness Report, the wellness industry is one of the fastest growing global industries projected to harness 500 trillion...
You may have heard that the Japanese market, despite being the third biggest economy in the world, is past its prime. But with a...
Japanese seniors represent over 50% of the consumer economy — a ratio destined to increase alongside the aging population. Today’s seniors represent a...
Last week, Dominic Carter, CEO of CarterJMRN, had the honour to speak at the Global Chamber Globinar on ‘Japan Market Entry Opportunities and Success,’ which...